President Obama needs to know, how the BIG PICTURE will come into focus, if he steps back, looks, and THINKS, not too stinky and corrupt for me, no lumps.
President Obama is only one week, as President-elect, neat of his Junior Senator Obama rap, as I write this, to leave on the wall, for you, later.
President Obama has just rooski'd a vast fumble of issues in media focus, allowing media including print, broadcast, courts, and administrations to wander, in a desert of his own choosing, as he won a now-compromised Presidency, which will be tainted, which will cross-contaminate, which will aggravate its own sedition, as time goes by, or media tending to obstruct justice must PURGE, NOW!
Rehabilitation may not issue, without purge for trial, of all illegal interests, now several, now suppressing in bad faith and sedition, how the deregulated energy deals are in fact seditious and seditiously inflationary, for relief, instantly, with any several illegally proximate, tainted, unrestrained persons and their directed media.
President Obama has left JOE THE PLUMBER on the floor of the nation's debate arenas, unchecked, since October 15, 2008, showing not only a dire leadership deficit, but also a seditious tendency, to censor all accounting, for the common-sense propositions, anywhere in the USA, FOR RE-REGULATION OF ALL OF THE FOLLOWING, BEFORE ANY BAILOUTS ISSUE:
1. US ENERGY must re-regulate and re-contract, for hiding its seditious and foreign aspects and their re-regulation, due ever since the 2001 deals doomed our funding infrastructure, aggravated by 2004-2007 interest hikes;
2. US EDUCATION must re-regulate, since the colleges and service districts are severally passing energy and interest costs, re-pricing, and then in conflict of interest, the educational institutions bilk the public by graduating millions of persons, inclined to fraud, waste, and abuse, while obstructing justice, already, to abet super-funding of their several illegal educational media, until graduation;
3. US BUSINESS must re-regulate, or why bail out their blackbeards, teachers, eddies, and all pirates? When you have business and education in an illegal collusion, over time, no government administration has a personnel sink, with which to interact, without fatal sedition, over time;
4. US GOVERNMENT, STATES, AND INFERIORS must re-regulate and rehabilitate, or the illegally interested courts may not continue, immediately, with any persons of interest, from any tainted media, corporate, educational, government, or other tainted, fatal interest. No participant may continue, in an illegally continued court, where all persons and process and review are too distorted, to convene, and all transactions have been long since undermined, to create chaos, where order must issue;
5. Barack Obama and his campaign are narcissists, seditiously conspiring to jump in and out of an unconstitutional media box, so Junior Senator Obama opines, to Senator McCain, 11/15/2008, how the deregulated energy deals are 'ROBBING OUR WEALTH,' without indictment of McCain or his chicanery at electioneering, to mis-cast SAMUEL WURZELBACHER, as 'JOE' the Plumber, when Obama merely intended to lose the agenda moment, favoring notice of the vast amounts of passed costs, from energy and interest, actually edited from the Bush GDP!
6. At sedition as President-elect, President Obama will be hamstrung, by his own conspiracy to obstruct justice and by the taints, of all his supporters, which contained public policy in an illegal media box, for the two years I was attempting to affiliate with his campaign, where my web accounts were deleted, without notice, as electioneering by Obama'08, Yahoo! Answers, Google Groups,, any CAL web, any Democratic or Republican or political sites, and Flickr.
And so, Obama refused to notice two years of passed energy costs. He demurred to SAMUEL J. WURZELBACHER, who had a $1200 IRS lien, from acquiring several years of passed energy costs, who decried unspecified future Obama policies, as a red-herring.
Obama then allowed the Republicans to obstruct justice and to continue, as an unrestrained, illegally interested, unregistered for excessive profiteering and illegally proximate electioneering.
Junior Senator Obama showed how his campaign intended, over years, to conspire with Congress, Executive, and with illegally continuing, unrehabilitated, review-evading Judiciary and courts, to infract 18 U.S.C. 4, misprision of felony, in collusion with Republicans, which had control of most administration, in order to conspire, severally, free from all relief.
Junior Senator Obama has shaped a huge media conspiracy, to obstruct justice, to profiteer, to violate the standing army clause and then to hugely obstruct justice, to evade review for the several illegal establishments of Christianity, which may not continue, but which have incited enmity with an active adversary, ISLAM, which may not continue, illegally established, as an overt source of seditious conspiracy, in any sort of hidden conflict or collusion, with another illegal establishment, so both evade indictment for several infractions, including of the standing army clause, commerce clauses, and bills of attainder, under establishment clause violators' conspiracy to obstruct justice.
Corporate criminals and administration criminals, at misconduct, misrepresentation, abuse of process, and abuse in custody must PURGE, from the illegally continued courts. No negligent court or State has noticed its private school-educated persons are tainted, to pass years of illegal costs, into illegally continued cases.
Discovery for rehabilitation must reach all courts and offices, instantly. Where evasion of review complicates relief, radical estoppel must serve, by degree, from any USDC or US Supreme Court.
Your move, President Obama! SEX IN THE CITY ran and ran, as if based on some teachers who moved to Cali back in the day and one of them made the hilarious goof of shagging ME, before she found out what kind of media follows blondes who are still married to a bassist, and then ditzy shags me, the guitarist ditzes don't know about. Stinky business looms!
When Obama lets ripped, duped PAPER DOLL or other Democratic Party favored Reaganomics Ripps play on, he shows why he signed FISA, with an exemption for prosecution for companies, like AT&T, which may bug a home from its phone, and cop guitar, to make Stevie Wonder material, from copshop to chopshop, in an instant!
Reaganomics and ripped music are all over the dial.
Heard any guitar hits, where organ took over? The overproducing guitarist was a duper, who ripped the music, but left organ in, like Pete Townshend, who copped the music for WHO'S NEXT and subsequent music, and then was to be seen with the original WHO at a live concert, KILBURN, dropping his Les Paul on stage, while the sync track is still playing perfect chords, for the late Keith Moon and later John Entwhistle to comply with, while Roger Daltry shouted.
While Barack Obama played bogus hits for chump change, FOR TWO YEARS, he was planning to let the rippers keep on ripping and syncing. Junior Senator Obama was PLANNING, to appoint virtual Republican, actually Independent Senator JOSEPH LIEBERMAN of Connecticut, as Secretary of DHS, while too illegally interested, to continue!
The DHS gets to bug whom they want, already too interested, by prima facie illegal establishments.
Then we examine Isaiah 20:5. We see how JEWS ARE FROM ETHIOPIA. Why are we allowing the same, illegally continuing, 1882 Zionist, British Imperial invasion of Palestine, to threaten us, when it already incited WWI and WWII? For a RICO.
Senator Obama had perception problems, which President-elect Obama is illegally imposing on the public, without notice. His now-illegally interested campaigners, public media, and corporate media are now tainted, by his suppressions, his evasions, his mens rea culpa, and his ripening modus, all illegally proximate.
JOE LIEBERMAN is the un-funny joke, the REAL JOE, the Plumber, not just that fish, trapped in the toilet, Vice-President-elect, Senator JOSEPH BIDEN, of Delaware. JOSEPH LIEBERMAN is going to run a Mig-alley media, right up the nation's backside, down its drooping PANTS.
Former Navy aviator and Skyhawk war criminal Senator John McCain is no hero from a Zero, where he acts in collusion, with the already sick Obama administration, to deliberately violate the commerce clauses and all related inferior laws, in order to illegally continue, at aggravated violations of 18 U.S.C. 2384, the SEDITION ACT.
Obama's Debate III breakdown let countless elected and appointed government offices, with countless 2008 measures and propositions, slide into THE REPUBLICAN TOILET!
Something THIS STUPID happened, in the November 2004, when actor WARREN (Clyde
Barrow) BEATTY deliberately mis-spoke, to condemn all measures including 80, to defeat, with a 'NO ON EVERYTHING' media campaign, to target The Utility Reform Network's well-drafted Proposition 80, for re-regulation of the seditious, unaccountable, fatally inflationary, deregulated energy deals, of 2001, now burning any books they haven't cooked!
Clyde Barrow has a bonny new President-elect, BARRY OBAMA, who fathomed public perceptions, in Debate III, to finally notice the 'robbing' of our wealth, but not the bad faith of SAMUEL J. WURZELBACHER or JOHN McCAIN or Republicans and Democrats and third-party trash, all in despicable collusion, to suppress how they may not continue, for gross negligence, to seditious conspiracy, directed to suppress notice of the deregulated energy deals as at all inflationary, during wars, incited by erzatz-Jews and subversive Crusaders, who won't grok Marley or Haille Sallassie or how the colleges are passing costs and instant criminals, while letting some of these enter the US, thereby illegally interested!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
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