Friday, December 12, 2008

Hey, BARACK MONKEYBRAIN OBAMA! Call Marky Mark, and have him call Blago, if you don't know how to ride over there and monkey-parley, before charging!

President-elect Obama is trying to slam a purge of a Governor of Illinois, like it is a popularity challenge, at the old church, where Obama had Rev.Wright AND Fra.Pfleger both purged into the old clerics file, merely by giving his supporters the nudge, and watching them conduct a despicable purge, in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and all applicable laws.

President-elect Obama is trying to cram a load of geeks, onto an elephant, to go tiger-hunting, after Governor ROD BLAGOJEVICH, of Illinois. He is asking to rip the guts out of his yet unsworn, elected office, since Barack Obama is what many people call a pure A$$HOLE, out of place where he is, on FACE THE NATION, get it?

If your A$$HOLE is where your elbows or where your FACE should be, why are you thinking you can conduct an unwise purge, skirting due process with a media hooker who is Attorney General of Illinois and with the US Senate, which represents itself, RICO fronts, and seditious foreign profiteers, not territories and D.C. or large states, BARACK OBAMA?

Somebody thinks he gets to be a Brackasaurus, without swearing in, and scare a big crowd of geeks, into Illinois, pretending to know enough to disturb the peace!

Governor Blagojevich's Chief of Staff resigned, since bottom line, he will be called to testify, and therefore he will be unable to fulfill his office.

If Governor Blagojevich is forced from office, IN ERROR, O'Nixon is as good as impeached. If my blogs ever get admitted into evidence, for Blago, we are blessed, with enough cause of action and material witness to compel joinder, discovery, and eventual impeachment of PRESIDENT-ELECT BARACK INSANE OBAMA, or whatever his name is.

bobgnote said...
Read my Blago-entries, at

. . . or you won't get it, how no fact-finding has been heard or issued, in support of either impeachment or arrest, actually.

Obama didn't even call Blago, he just sent the entire Frost-Nixon doghouse and threw Amazon Books at Blago, WITHOUT PROPER HEARINGS.

And so, the Illinois A/G has admitted impeachment is the due process, not a mob, run by the President-elect and the corporations and US Senators he has been masturbating with, for a billion dollars, for the last two, tainted years.

The Illinois Supreme Court may rule only for impeachment. The A/G is a grand-standing airhead. The allegations of misconduct, back to 2002 are UNSPECIFIED.

The allegations recently are tainted by Obama's corporate philanderings, culminating in his fumblerooski, of hundreds of offices, measures, and international media agendas, in the recent election, when he opined to John McCain in Debate III, how the deregulated energy deals are 'robbing us of our wealth,' yet he let McCain rob Sam Wurzelbacher of his personal dignity, using him as a media surge device, so now Prop.8 in California has to go back to the California Supreme Court, Al Franken will NOT be a Senator and neither should anyone else, and Janet Napolitano will be in the Bam Administration, instead of Governor of Arizona, KAPISH?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bro President-elect been piping and he wants us to accrue debts, for all Mrs.Robinson's nabes and their fat cost-passing and graft! Hey, yo.

Of course, a hep-cat President-elect, whose home-state Governor is on fire, could see the funky pass going into the back-court, to stymie the point-guard, back there, and give the bad guys some quick swing points!

'Laying pipe' is what cool folk call shagging, true? TRUE!

'PIPING' is what point-guard African-American fellas like President-elect BARACK OBAMA know to be the same as 'doinking' or having intercourse.

By the time he swears in, President Obama will have to hit every one of his allotted President-elect-media-three-point attempts, in order to get past any undiscovered but ripe public concerns, to be investigated, since he has not assumed any responsibility for relief, of fraudulent funding, fraudulent claims, and illegal proximity, for his well-tolerated bailout clients, disinclined to re-regulate energy, and so the line for MORE bail and MORE delay for re-regulation is a seditious threat, now undermining any funny sketches, SNL might invent.

Really, SNL and MAD-TV are Mr.Obama's buddies. They can save his life, by making him think, faster. Playmakers into playacting, the LA area Madrassa-TV and the NYC SNL flavors are now the finest media, in the English-speaking world. Monty Python no longer is on stage.

Heap funny Canadian, shaggy, Octopussy-looking playhouse! Chief like Canadian playmate bacon, acting out in space, eh? Sturdy braves line up, for shutup Pam, take off shirt and shut hole, eh?

The Pitton Family vacation was livened up by the backward stumble, of their young daughter, nearly off a cliff, in Oregon. Rescue by Dad, immediately, on digital.

Space shuttle-techie Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper let Astronaut Jones' $100 tool bag float away . . .



Please notice how one of Astronaut Jones' girls doesn't get any more Wrigley's, this trip, like spacy Steve, who took a fly ball from Moises, in the NLDS or CS, one year, back there along the dusty trail. I'm referring to toolbag girl, up at the rocketship, tooting around and losing a lot of it, up there.

People are NOT SMART, for allowing totally sold out Democrats, to profile all of us and flop a big load of offices, measures, and multi-media agendas, to the illegally interested Republicans, while the cultic, chimp and blonde-beholding Democrats collected chump-change.

My psychic detective has notified me, of several circumstances of fraud, connected to big, underground crime scenes, including in SPACE, babies and mommies, into daddies and news, etc. The Tribune is bankrupt, the Governor is busted, the Cubbies are to be SOLD. Any questions, President-elect Obama? You're a White Sox and Harvard guy. I bet we don't have any more really serious perception dilemmas before inauguration, or maybe we should appoint Howie the MC as President, since you and Biden are piping!

Let's get another headline, which mocks the runaway corruption, abetted by any several, narcissistic, illegally proximate, unrestrained subjects, which may be presumed to be in an aggravated, seditious, dire conflict of interest. OR BARACK OBAMA AND JOE BIDEN AND THEIR GIRLFRIENDS DO NOT LET HUNDREDS OF OFFICES AND MEASURES AND INTERNATIONAL MEDIA FLOAT OFF, FIVE MINUTES INTO DEBATE III, OCTOBER 15, 2008! Get it?

If the billion-dollar, bi-partisan, organized crime-babies in several electorates and consumer groups don't all get it at once, democracy won't rehab its crime scenes by democratic or by lawful representative processes.

All persons in public service since Jimmy Carter are active, virulently aggravated, and imminently injurious to the public, since they all let the deregulation craze cause permanent damage, to all infrastructure. Anybody who thinks we will keep all the suits and blondes on TV and in office needs to pull his head out of his fanny and burp, to clear his tract.

THEN, think, or try harder, Gump-children and hostages of these!


Suits and blondes, your bushmeat diet is despicable. You let the deregulated energy deals eat the world. You were too narcissistic, to keep a NASA or a military industry, which has media, worthy or or safe, for public funding and safe participation, where aggravated misconduct should be presumed.

Years of general negligence and reactive underground media from space has now resulted in a floating, $100K tool bag, reduced to a hurtling hazard of negative value, only for saving.

But worse was the way the Democrats let hundreds of offices, measures, and the lot float off, when five minutes into Debate III, Barack Obama opined how the deregulated power deals were 'ROBBING OUR WEALTH,' but he became faint, and let John McCain monkey-wrench the debate and the world's media agendas, by introducing D.L. Hughly-baiting white male plumber, SAMUEL J. WURZELBACHER, called 'JOE,' by the remarkably seditious Senator McCain.

By pouncing on Obama's fumble-rooski, where Obama introduced but failed to follow up WHY Samuel ended up owing a $1200 IRS lien, unpaid until AFTER the November 4, 2008 election, the Republicans AND Democrats let Al Franken's Senate seat nowhere, Janet Napolitano's Governorship in Arizona, and countless other seats in Congress and worthwhile offices revert to Republicans, while the entire world's media reverted to Republican agendas, a vast injury, abetted by gross negligence, at several misrepresentations and aggravated misconducts, by any several attorneys, representatives, and agents at fraud, including BARACK OBAMA and JOSEPH BIDEN.

Or, the despicably unrehabilitated yet empowered misrepresentatives in contempt all get the energy, ethics, and interest regulated, AGAIN, before one bit of public bailout shall issue. NOT!!

Meanwhile, in other news, Obama will nominate JOE LIEBERMAN, arch-Zionist, illegally interested, moon-shooting conspirator to obstuct justice, severally, as SECRETARY OF DHS, so I get it, there is the REAL Joe, the Plumber.

See how 'Obama' starts with an 'O?' See how tires roll on, but not for long, if they won't hold air?

Barack Obama has to save the world, in one quick hurry, if he wants to entertain for two years and then appoint illegal interests, from the aggravated, multi-partisan, but effectively bi-partisan Democratic and Republican conspiracy, to obstruct justice, which is illegally proximate, an aggravated threat to public safety, and a fatal seditious conspiracy, which will not admit deregulated energy deals are fatally inflationary, yet interst and reporting are deregulated, so no accounting or relief issue, for years and years.

The illegally proximate must therefore desist, or be served, with an order to desist at collusion, with private corporations and persons, who like Princeton's Biden and Harvard-U of Chicago's Obama are private-school persons, deeply tainted, by years of absorbing corrupt corporate influences, naturally ripened, with spawning conspiracies, since aggravated but unnoticed corruption AND its fundings became fatal to all continuances, including those in all uninformed courts of law, upon rehabilitation, which must include PURGE, OF ALL CONTAMINATED PERSONS, TO RE-GROUND TRANSACTIONS.


Without purges of tainted, too corrupt for an ethical agenda, no rehabilitation may proceed. No bailout may issue. So why are all those tankers getting appointed? Are we already saying things like, 'Barry Bushwick Bananas,' and the honeymoon isn't really getting back, to Hawaii?

Don't float off and fail to get the wheel, or put Howard Dean on the duck's list, and on TV, right away, if you don't have the TV thing, now that YOU, BARACK OBAMA, are a schmuckina, stinking and sucking, less a few hundred offices and measures, so the legal system needs work, BUT LOOK AT ALL THE REPUBLICANS WHO SNUCK INTO OFFICE, and now you are appointing Joe PLUMBING PROBLEM Lieberman for DHS, not hoop star Nancy, a TV commenter.

Mr.Obama has character defects. No other explanation will serve, to explain WHY he introduced deregulated energy, after TWO ENTIRE YEARS OF NARCISSISTIC CHUMP-CHANGE SOLICITING, for President, depraving the office, all the way until five minutes into Debate III, but then he flops over and lets McCain and Samuel play plumber games, taking media, while letting Lieberman revert, to a sold-out, already tragic Democratic Administration.

All about PIPING, is the incoming administration. They have a Joe, on board.