Wednesday, March 20, 2013

B.O. re-elected, while M.I.B. III is released

To nobody's surprise, President Obama was re-elected, in 2012. A number of movies seem to foreshadow his arrival, such as any Denzel Washington movie, particularly The SIEGE, 1998. The WWE features champion Duane "The ROCK" Johnson, who has been suggesting Barack is cooking something, since Senator Obama was in Congress, learning to imitate Republicans, in order to generate gridlock, in today's Congress. CAN YOU SMELL WHAT BARACK IS COOKING? Senator Obama blew off John McCain's offer, to agree, to public funding, for the 2008 election, and then President Obama blew off the Democrats' lead, in the US House, by taking two years, to endorse Obamacare, which when passed and signed doomed the Democrats, to lose the House, which dooms US, to observe Congressional gridlock because the Republicans no way are compelled, to cooperate, with the droning Democrats, who opened up dozens of drone fronts, like Hitlerite geeks, dissatisfied with a mere war, against Britain. US debt has balloned, to over $16 trillion, when it was only $6 trillion, as of 9/11/2001. The Democrats refuesed to condemn or indict GW Bush, for making sure the 911 attacks happened OR for lying, about 1958 CIA-client Saddam Hussein having WMDs, so we got stuck in two wars, before Obama opened up his aggressive droning and intellectual property stealing, via NDAA and Patriot Act corporate accessories. Plainly, Barack Obama SUCKS. He can't lose his 2nd team Republicanism and LEAD US because the Democrats are committed, to support Republican agendas and then lose the White House and Senate, after a time, unless the pubs keep being the stupid party, named by Louisianna Governor Bobby Jindal, one of the smart pubs, with Clint Eastwood, who evoked The INVISIBLE MAN, by Ralph Ellison, during the pub convention, Summer 2012. It turns out RALPH NADER had just endorsed former Democratic Mayor of Salt Lake City Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson, for President. Rocky was the ONLY US Mayor, to call for impeachment, of GW Bush, when the chickenshit Democrats were bumbling around, letting Bush and his gang run up a death toll, during the wars they made sure happened, when the FBI would have busted bin Laden, but Bush stopped them, and Bush blew off warnings, about the 911 attacks, which Bush knew would happen, BEFORE HE WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT, but afterward, Clinton, the CIA, the Mossad, the Brits, the French, and even a moderate Taliban chief warned the US. So why did TWO WARS happen, AND WHY THE HELL IS OBAMA WAGING ANY OF THEM OR DRONING? It seems when the drone-voiced Hildog runs for President, in 2016, the pubs will have to be mighty stupid, to keep from getting elected. They can do it! You have to be stupid, or GW, Cheney, Rove, Wolfy and whoever and the Kochs will get worried, about some snitch getting them busted, FINALLY. How else did all kinds of insider trading happen, but the material witnesses ended up dead and the whistleblowers all got busted? M.I.B. III suggests just how cartoonish the Obama Administration is, when Will Smith's Agent J has to jump off the Empire State Building, travel back to 1969, and save young Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones, with a Texas accent), from getting whacked, for letting "Boris the Animal" kill Agent J's father, but Boris only got arrested, in the original timeline. This movie really nails Obama, to the wall, as being an irrrational, second-team Republican, who will make us wish we could travel time, to undo his idiotic, abusive media, which is designed, to follow another Texan, GW Bush, in the way Nixon followed Johnson, to expound on Johnson's excesses. Deep, dark DICK was just hanging one on the Democrats, after his predecessor, Lyndon Baines Johnson started the Viet Nam War, and then he ordered the CIA, FBI, and NSA to conduct excessive surveillance, on US citizens. I hope you have a clue, how this inspired Nixon to bug the Democrats, at the Watergate Hotel. It served them right, kinda. Nixon burned down his crew, without snitching on Johnson and MacNamera, who were punks, deserving of prosecution. Obama is just another Nixon, only he won't just leave, until he makes us all sick. Of course, today's pubs are SO STUPID, they won't admit CO2 is a pollutant, and they are yet pretending Saddam had WMDs, although none were found. The Democrats are making sure nobody busts GW or his crew, for seditiously making sure bin Laden's gang slammed planes into buildings, 9/11/2001. They just appointed former Senator John Kerry, to Secretary of State, since Kerry was the schmuck, who chaired the subcommittee, which was supposed to find GW Bush sedition, in 2004, but this load of turdburglars let GW run off, to try to start war, with Iran, which the Democrats also wanted, since Truman decided not to run. Turdburglars is, as turdburglars does! They will turn the world, into a pile of crap, hose us off our little dumps, and then the Robinson's Neighborhood PIGS will snort and sort through our drawers, for likely nuggets, which they can steal. The US has 37 states, with at-risk levees, so when climate changes, even faster, some of us will get burned out, while others get flooded out, such as in Sacramento, California, where our brown-hole Governor is all lined up, with the black hole, in the White House, and we are NOT going to beat the Mayan Apocalypse, laid out, by those two idiocrats. Agent J's dad dies, in every scenario, just like Obama's. Our physical and financial infrastructure will fail, so we'd better get us a REAL constitutional law professor, to lead us, INSTEAD OF A TURDBURGLAR, LIKE OBAMA, WHO LETS CORPORATE CROOKS LEAD HIM AROUND, BY THE NOSE, while he sucks Bibi's balls and calls him 'Bieber,' like any other collegial fag, in US elected office. Our US Constitution was ratified, in 1889, after slave-owner James Madison wrote most of it, so it's CRAP, to enable turdburglars, to generate gridlock, and to thereby engage, in PROFITEERING, from RACKETEERING. Facts are not determined or noticed, where the rule of law is compromised, by slavery and by Barack Insane Obama and his geeky supporters, who are trying, to elect Republicans. If only the pubs weren't so STUPID, the DDDrats would be successful, and the suspense would end, for a time.