Friday, April 3, 2009

O-bomb incited the Mumbai, Gaza, and Oakland massacres, so his Stanford-Yahoo-GOOGLE electioneers are hazing my posts

Do you enjoy how your corporate newsies and government geeks are INCITING MASSACRES?

November 27, 2008- Happy B-day Jimi, Bruce, and ME, almost massacred . . .
Got meat on the table, on Thursday, November 27, 2008?

Yes, you have MEAT from Mumbai, hosted by Kiera Phillips and meatheads!

The massacres claimed by 'Deccan Mujahadin' seem to be so well-coordinated, the mission planners knew CNN would be subbing for regular newsies, with McCain-flavored dillettante Kiera Phillips and some Uncle Meat-Daddy Warbucks geek named 'MIKE BROOKS,' on CNN, all day long!

CNN and the other corporate media INCITED MASSACRES, BY MANY YEARS OF DISSERVICE, TO THE WORLD AND TO CNN's and to all NEWS-VIEWING PERSONS, beholden to CNN's and all suppression, by government frauds in collusion, with media panderers and corporate pimps.

I have news for you trash, on CNN! The CIA, like former creep Mike, are getting everybody into wars, for their profit. Then, some media-hooker hosts the CIA trash, which incites the NEXT attack, soon enough. All in a Crusade's work, for a girl and her geeks, on CNN and everywhere else!

Indian Hadji knew Kiera Phillips would front for a KITCHEN PATROL, on this Turkey-day.

The Mujahadin KNEW Kiera Phillips and the usual TV-trash have neglected to learn how JEWS ARE FROM ETHIOPIA, which would enable us to parley, about Israel.

Without relief for basic distortion by British Imperialists behind the 1882 invasion of Palestine, no rational dialog is possible, for the bailout crisis, which needs to be defused, by reregulation of all American energy, funding, and ethics, so no more obscenely corrupt costs are passed, AROUND THE WORLD, during any several wars, incited by the UK, US, and Israel, and their obstinate Crusading, in Palestine, without an Israel for about three thousand years or so, without a Judean colony under Rome, since Hadrian expelled the Jews, following the Second Rebellion, in 126 A.D.

Kiera Phillips is so badly-informed, she needs to quit media. She is so obtuse, from a network which refuses to let any proper accountant or economist, on any TV or in any print media, of thousands of outlets! And so, only the stupified or the corrupt need apply, for that 15 minutes of fame, on any show, in any publication.


Barack Obama admitted, on October 15, 2008 in Debate III, how the deregulated power deals were 'robbing us of our wealth,' without due details, how they incited the 9/11 attacks, including to focus on WTC7, which foreshadows how seven years would pass, as the prices of food and energy climbed, concurrent with the demise of the Twin Towers.

Obama let McCain introduce Samuel J. Wurzelbacher as 'JOE' the Plumber, an alias contrived, since SAM owed the IRS $1200 on a lien, caused by Obama's and McCain's and any several misrepresentations and misconducts, to let the deregulated power deals or 2001 OR the interest hikes of 2004 continue, during war, while TV and print corporations hid the profiteering AND the passed costs, while government fraud, waste, and abuse accelerated.

CNN AND ALL MEDIA DOOMED US, TO THESE ATTACKS, WITH OUR GOVERNMENT, BARACK OBAMA AND HIS DESPICABLE ZIONIST APPOINTEE LIST, and with the Republicans, who seem to be able to get really stupid and greedy role models with outrageous agendas on TV, until the inevitable massacre is not only incited, but tailored and executed, to force the geeks, like K.P. and all her kitchen patrol to notice circumstances of fraud.

BUT CNN WILL NOT SEE FRAUD, while their newsies ignore all the patterns of material facts, since who needs material facts, if you have an illegal agenda, to proffer false theories and irrelevant support media, on behalf of profiteers and idiots, with them? The idiots are doomed, since the profits are ALL BUT BLED OUT, in 2008.

The illegally proximate trashers won't admit they are boosting Palestine, to cause WWI and WWII, and they won't admit the US and corporations are OVER-CHARGING US, for all this, so CNN's cross-contaminating board of directors and others like them can sit on multiple reviews and boards, and suck all kinds of blood, too young to make GRAVY!!


Problem is, CNN and Kiera Phillips are so badly cast, she keeps putting up trash-pundits, who don't know Muslims are not only in Pakistan, a Muslim nation, but also, Muslims are ALL OVER INDIA and all over the rest of the world, since the Islam means 'peace,' and MUSLIM is a person who speaks with a wholeness, for clarity, to achieve efficiently-administrated moderate outcomes.

But CNN, the other corporate media, and the US Government and inferiors and illegal partners in RICO-collusion did for the last seven years and for all time before suppressed all material facts and knowledge, to make trashy media, looped by corporations and passed to the public or imposed on them, by distorted government extortionists, for about 120 years of fraud in the inducement media for Israeli and international organized crime, WHICH IS PROFITEERING AT ENERGY, INTEREST, AND MILITARY INDUSTRY, which despoils some places and persons, entirely.

The bad information has been continued, by the Obama campaign, which is trying to suppress how Obama's demur response to John McCain's new pal 'JOE' let hundreds of offices and measures be determined, by REPUBLICANS and by seditious, Republican influence, to enable fund-bailout, without re-regulation, so the bailout leaks like a suddenly headless corpse, if you can only imagine all the blood, which pops, when that pressure is suddenly released, somehow!

FYI: Isaiah 20:5 describes Pharoah leading the Jews out of Ethiopia, but CNN likes to describe Purple Gang-type Jews, who are criminals, while suppressing the thousands of Naturei Karta demonstrators, which Orthodox Jewish-intensive anti-Zionist protests are routinely suppressed, by CNN and their seditious, determined, criminal geeks.

Let's update this, now and then!

Sara Sidner update! Formerly co-anchor with retired Dennis Richmond of Fox's KTVU-2 Oakland outlet, Sara got in on the action, sick!

Turns out, Sara's co-newsies at KTVU were all sandbagging, at reporting how the WTC7 drop was related, to the now-broken story, of the bailout and the several budget crises, including bankrupt states, while California is SOON, to declare, for relief from debt, still being accelerated, by the fabulously corrupt Zionists, on TV, published, in US Government, and in the several states and inferiors.

But Sara and her girls and girly-men in suits are creeping along, evading reviews, on the dodge, all night long, talking to foreign geeks, Bushwicks, McCainiacs, Bam's marginals, former Clinton crooks, in order to make me angry. I can only wonder at the depth of rage, of al Queda and other Muslims, who endured the UK, US, CIA, and their appointments, like the fabulously anal Wahabis, the Saudis, appointed to their kinky kingdom, BY THE BALFOUR-ERA BRITISH. Will Sara admit any FACTS? Or did she learn to avoid these, since her clowns like TJ Holmes at CNN or Ross Magowan at KTVU-Oakland all met ME and personally refused to report how the deregulated energy deals, DURING WARS, were not only driving up prices of food and energy worldwide, but also they are leaking infrastructure-level monies, THIS VERY SECOND?

HEY! IF YOU BAIL OUT, YOU RE-REGULATE, FIRST, or back in 2001 if you are smart, not too corrupt to be alive and calling shots, BOTH, way later, in 2008!

DO YOU HAVE ANY CLUE, WHAT CREEPY CRIMINALS ARE STILL TALKING ON TV, as I type this? Kiera Phillips, for one. Her airs are looped, to condition female idiots, to seek public administration and any other media, inappropriate for women, too affected by the GW Bush dementia, which appears as leadership toward idiocy, any time he utters, 'NUKULER,' or issues a bizarre premise, directed to keep vast seditious conspiracies running, year after year.

GW Bush actually had a talent, for coordinating criminal acts. But his play has run. Now his buttpipes have to wait for Bam to bottom out, which he may be doing, already, deliberately, and the Republicans will be just one media leap away, from capturing Congress and the White House again, since they stayed in range, when Obama and his fellow narcissists wouldn't report how the hidden energy inflation is SEDITIOUS, and how McCain and Wurzelbacher are at CONSPIRACY TO OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, aggravated.

Women who will not smarten up should stay OFF TV, since Ms.K.P. of CNN seems to be getting some of us shot or blasted, without admitting how costly this has illegally become, WITHOUT ANY ACCOUNTING!

If the terror prevents CNN or Obama from doing the math homework they put off, no wonder I am starting to see how the only way, is for legal reform, to rehabilitate due process.

The first step is to rid ourselves of propaganda, from media-prostitutes, which INCITE RIOTS and BLOODY MURDER, all the way, to massacres!

By the way, the Armenian MASSACRE and the Jewish MASSACRE were not THE Holocaust, dilletantes.

The way to download may be with zip-files and manual review, for speed and safety tradeoffs. The way to rid ourselves of organized crime may be to delete the shortcuts and then uninstall the State of Israel, since what are American F-16s doing with US-funded jet-X, with Russian IDF pilots, who are NO MORE SEMITIC THAN MISS HANDLER OR MYSELF?

Some of those Israelis are no more Jewish, than Chuy. Does he fly?

When I see a female idiot, like Kiera Phillips, honey-haired fascist geek, I long for the mundane but lively minds, on CHELSEA LATELY. Too bad about Leno, you know. He could have bought us all a lawyer and SUED, instead of trying to satirize, in an Eric Cartman voice, with the brain but without the college.

As Leno drives off, the colleges will all fail and cars not Jay's will crap out.

Also related to the word MUSLIM are 'muse' and 'music,' so LEARN TO THINK, BEFORE YOU FIGHT ISLAM.

NOBODY who thinks gets paid, to talk to me or to the USA. Not at CNN!

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