Friday, February 12, 2010

February 12, 2010 DECLARATION by Robert Gaebler, for relief from negligence, upon DELAYED notice of OPEN GOVERNMENT PROJECT:


Persons and Agencies, concerned:

Government riots, incites, and evades review. Openness is defeated, instantly.

The State of California riots and illegally attacks ROBERT GAEBLER to evade review, obstuct justice, profiteer, and to collude with illegally continued US persons, such as Robert S. Mueller III, at Director of FBI, known to have fabricated then destroyed three sets of physical evidence, in re CR98-0087 Mag.Larson, suppressed review and relief, and then migrated to Director of the FBI, to suppress all facts and law applicable, to the Middle East Wars, which are therefore RIOTS.

Each representative in California injures resident ROBERT GAEBLER, to deny relief, casework assistance, or response to fact and law, noticed. Anna Eshoo and Sally Lieber called police on GAEBLER, to suppress notice of the now-ripe budget crisis, while BARACK OBAMA conspired to fraud and misconduct, now ripe.

President Obama has injured us, and now must use this device, to compute relief.

The candidates tried to out-dive each other, in Debate III. This incited riot, not over.

Mr.Obama's Grandmother called him to Hawaii, since she saw him clearly try to out-dive two superior Bush-pilots, before Joe Wurzelbacher III, a red-herring phisher, which owed $1200 to the IRS on a lien, until after the 2008 election.

Trying to lose the election because he fears assassination he is trying to incite, Mr.Obama is illegally interested in all media, for notice as incompetency, at bar and in office, and as inciter to riot in the several states, D.C., and internationally.

Mr.Obama sponsers illegal favoritism in violation of our royal favors exclusion in the US Constitution, for Windsor, their appointed Saud, David, and Vatican regimes, formery for Tsar, now for Imperial Japan, formerly for Spain and France, now against Spain, African, Asian, and Arab royalty, and at riot and incitement, with all regimes!

Mr. Obama opposed the lawful appointment of Roland Burris, as a tactic, when this incited Catholic police at riot, and at aggravated riot on weekends to shoot young black men, including Oscar Grant III, by BART Officer Johannes Mehserle, so hear.

President Obama before AND after the 2008 election opposed notice of the cost-passing, fraud, and illegal funds flows from private schools, businesses, and the deregulated energy deals, with interest compounding costs, of illegal gang wars, in the Middle East by standing armies and by unregulated militias, at La Violencia.

Local gun control and police are undermined at bar, upon notice of this conspiracy. NO MILITIA IN THE USA MAY CLAIM TO BE 'WELL-REGULATED,' SINCE 1948 AND THE ONSET OF CIA AND NSA INCOMPETENCE, to report presence of 9/11 terrorists in US territory, while these contemnors illegally construct restraint for FBI reporting of the imminent terror attacks, evident per NOVA report, on TV!


Google, Yahoo,, and many sites banned me and my free speech, before, during, and after the 2008 election, to distort all media and process, and to ground WBPA or any other action, in support of both relief and remedy, delayed.

Pat Tillman was shot, DEAD, for reporting Presidential malfeasance.

No draft issued, then or since. Contemnors and seditious conspirators remain, unrestrained, while profiteer Bush evades, having incited, and victim Hasan is given a death assignment, to riot when Jenna Bush and Jon bon Jovi get on the same Today show.

President Obama incites riot in California, CPC 404.6(a), to simultaneously incite in the several states and in state prisons and county jails, there, and in contempt and at misconduct, while issuing malfeasance to evade review has come to California, while OPD and BART and all representatives were notified by ROBERT GAEBLER, of certain mayhem, in the event of President Obama's visit to California in March, whereupon all negligent agents allowed LOVELLE MIXON, to shoot four OPD to death and critically wound a fifth, while Mixon was shot, dead.

All agents prevented GAEBLER from testimony, including to injure Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong, USDC Oakland and Gaebler, in re C07 01399 SBA, so hear!

The State arrests Gaebler and as vexatious litigant attacks pleadings, motions, appearances, and the media between Gaebler and USDC, Oakland, in contempt.

The State prosecutes SCCo.Super.Ct.D87 Koh BB 940085 and SMCo.Super.Ct. SM 365697, from false arrest, to hinder USDC, SF/OCC 314-09, Title II ADA, and several State courts, v. Mehserle, v. Murray, v. Huckaby, v. State (tainting all courts).

The State in collusion with the USA fabricates evidence and destroys this, in any case, to hinder discovery, of RIOT, in the several states, including mayhem, for profiteering by larceny, burglary, robbery, maiming, and murder.

The USA may not neglect Gaebler, for knowing State of California misconduct, so dire, Gaebler is suppressed as a witness by the USA and State in collusion, since Gaebler warned AIG Exec.KENNETH COLEMAN, of dire fund crisis, by 2007, and so Coleman and AIG swelled up illegal takings, and crashed, deliberately, while BARACK OBAMA and his campaign discriminated against Gaebler, including to hinder USDC notice of fraud, waste, abuse, mayhem, and incitement to riot, in violation of the Mann Act, Sedition Act, Brown Act, Ralph Act, and all laws applicable, State and US.

The Open Government event is thusfar a farce, since Obama is an AIPAC thug, and Jews are from Ethiopia, ALL TWELVE TRIBES, see Isaiah.

So explain why you undermined all the borders, for your drug war and your Latin thugs, in trucks, in every tainted agency, State and US!

You have undermined ALL JURISDICTIONS, for notice as incitement to riot.

You have rioted, and coerced accountants to fail at law and ethics, so no report issues, yet since deregulation of energy, no agent notices this cost source!

Gaebler is injured, so hear for class relief, or international intervention is grounded.

The USA and State may not hold at once GAEBLER, Panmunjon, Koreas, China, three invasions of China (one to violate royal favors exclusion, all three violate commerce clauses and standing army clause), while China accumulates $800 billion dollars, in secured US debt!

ALL RIOT, which attack Sitting Bull, as an 'Indian,' when he and the Incas, which built Macchu Picchu know, they are from CHINA.

ALL RIOT, which from Europe descend on the Americas, to assert administration, when by conspiracy, White Fleet by Ming Dynasty contact caused dissemination of Han-era arrowheads and crossbows, in Europe, in the 1430s, to enable wars all over Europe AND successful denial of Suleiman, at Vienna, 100 years later!

Isabella of Spain dispatched Cristopher Columbus to Hispaniola, whereupon he reported he had found passage to CATHAY, or China, since he found wrecked White Fleet survivors and descendants, and native people, which Isabella and the Pope then devised to harass, conquer, and destroy, and to defame these Chinese-connected persons, as 'INDIANS,' and the Bahamian area, as the 'West Indies.'

This distortion was eclipsed by subsequent European attacks on American native persons, to destroy any resemblance of the natives, to Chinese, and to disassociate all Asian immigrants with ownership of property, to spite the Constitution and constitutional law, while inciting riot in the Abrahamic religions.

The US warred on Spain, when illegally established Christians gave way, to enough illegally established Catholics, and all Christians and Davidian Zionists conspired openly, to Crusade in Palestine, China, and all points in between.

The US co-opted its own Constitution and enforcement of all laws, for the Pope and Victoria, to enable Christians to issue an illegal edict in the 1880s, proclaiming Canaan-taking Habiru pirate Abraham, to be of good character, despite the legend of Isaac, which clearly shows how Isaac's descendants intend larceny and mayhem, all the way to evading Ethiopian accountibility, the eruptions of Santorini-Thera in 4000 B.C. and then again in 1350 B.C., to first disrupt the Philistines and cause their establishment in Palestine, and then to disrupt the Habiru mercenaries under Pharoah, and to cause their relationship to end.

The churches conspired at the demise of Disraeli in 1881, to distort fact, for legend, and to defame Moses and his brother Aaron, both opposed to the invasion of Canaan for unstable gains, which riot is directly responsible for the riots, misnamed world wars, and ready to incite WWIII, as the ultimate riot, at any moment.

Aaron made a golden calf, to show how the 4000 B.C. eruption of Thera ended the Minoans and then caused these to become Philistines, in part.

Moses had an Ethiopian wife, and so the brothers and companions were stoned to death, MURDERED BY RIOTING HABIRU PIRATES, upon destruction of the tablets, which legend ascribes to the TEN COMMANDMENTS.

AIPAC may not continue, for any recovery of Palestine, when Israel at first was piracy, white people would not exist in numbers but for Israel and escape to the Caucasus, when this was destroyed, these would not riot but for Judea, abolished by Hadrian in 126 A.D., at the demise of the second revolt, or invade, but for YEMEN, made into a Davidian Kingdom, when Constantine issued for Catholic nuisance media in the Roman Empire, 321 A.D.

No Jew would invade or incite riot, but for Catholic coercions, which are oppression.

The Christian violates RICO, to profiteer, by asserting ONE messiah, when any moment may issue a volunteer, from any Jew, in any land, by nature.

The messiah myth is imposed with oppression, including pogroms, to kill Jews, and inquisitions, to profiteer and to coerce all persons, to accept Catholic incitement to riot, mayhem, and murder, and illegal establishment, in the several states.

The Abrahamic religions may not continue, at riot and mayhem, illegally funded.

Islam may not continue at Sharia, without courts and attorneys, but these all churn and fail examination, in the several states and in USDC, so hear competency, NOW!

The military is at mutiny and riot, a standing army, illegally quartered, including with all illegal corporate media, which suppresses notice of riot and mayhem, and how no transaction is legal, at this riot, and how the inciters intend to dive the economy.

The profiteers include PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, which knew Robert GAEBLER notified AIG of imminent funds-flow crash, in 2001, 2002, 2003, and then Kenneth Coleman took profits and retired, while the conspirators bloated their holdings and took President Obama's bad-faith bailout, which could not succeed, at a riot, to re-establish vital funds flows, since all agents cheat at reporting to suppress notice of simple, runaway inflation, from all enacted, deregulated power deals, including California's at CDWS, to ground Chinese intervention to chill riot and to demand accounting for US negligence and neglect, to suppress notice of how the costs from these power deals are passed, while US lawmakers haggle and incite mayhem and riot, without notice how value has failed, and rioters profiteer.

President Obama is a rioter, which commits high crimes, misdemeanors, felonies, and this includes aggravated violation of 18 U.S.C. 371, CONSPIRACY TO INTERAGENCY FRAUD because the malfeasance to fund a haggle suppresses all accounting, of either ethical or practical law and reporting processes.

The energy inflation is killing all transactions, by degree, and so the President riots and incites, to advocate any war, interest, and prosecution costs, which are unfounded at any issue, in any court, and so RIOT MUST NOTICE AND CHILL.

The President should have but did not socialize ENERGY, first, MEDIA, second, AND MEDICINE, third, when the costs and drug dealers are sorted out.

Doctors without borders let Presidents and Senates without restraint incite riot and then haggle, costing us so much, the US will collapse, and then a volcano will pop.

Expect any or all of LONG VALLEY, La PALMA, YOSEMITE, YELLOWSTONE, and McKinley or Ranier are not out of the question, to erupt, SOON.

You should have had a seawall on the East Coast, since the 1850s, but look at your criminals at profiteering, talking at riot, on TV, all illegally interested and at fraud.

If that LaPalma-related tsunami series starts up, give up on the entire East Coast and its rioters, which were too distracted to watch DELIVERANCE on TBS, or to notice FSU football grad Burt Reynolds is a native American by reputation, who clearly resembles Chinese persons, in large part.

Many persons known to me are part Ming, from White Fleet interaction, which must be noticed, since the US suppresses its own intervention in the Last Emperor (Sand Pebbles invasion), CIA B-24 Liberator operations from Tibet and Taiwan in 1948 incited the taking of Tibet while Dalai Lama incites riot in China and in the USA, and the Korean War erupted, the US established a Yalu perimeter, to be repulsed, while General MacArthur riotously attempted to start a nuclear exchange, to suppress at long last, how native Americans owe factual allegiance and USDC standing, to PRC.

The US may not suppress China in the UN, while attempting to injure facts and courts, in the several states and in the US Courts, and to enact bills of attainder.

The US has relative to Asia any number of BILLS OF ATTAINDER and ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION in illegal effect, to incite riot and to evade review.

The several states may not so attach the USA, in violation of Title II ADA and all law.

The USA, Democrats, Republicans, and several media riot and incite, and suppress ROBERT GAEBLER, PRC, and all facts of incitement, including to steal and overproduce all music played by Gaebler since 1971 and since, and to sell this to PRC and to any other nation, in bad faith, so bad, Michael Jackson was one of the overproducers at large, and he committed suicide at riot, while A/G Brown of California had slept with Linda Ronstadt in the 1970s, to controvert all musical plagiarism into false fact and law, for notice.

Therefore, MICHAEL JACKSON is parodied in BATMAN movies, and at only the L.A. Lakers games, Jack Nicholson as JOKER is on the floor, having sketched Jacko's demise, and his childrens' bleak future, at a Gotham Chopra-aggravated riot.

Jacko committed suicide by plan. Like Obama, he was too corrupt to survive. Mr. Obama intends to incite his own destruction, by profiteering and malfeasance, and to then order gays into the mutinous, unrestrained riot of the standing armed forces of the USA, and to thereby incite such mayhem, as will take the President's life.

This conspiracy is illegal, and you must report this, better than you are doing it, since to get to the level of mayhem and fraud you achieved, you have to COMPLETELY IGNORE the prophecy of hit TV shows COSBY, FRESH PRINCE, and SISTER, SISTER, which clearly show how Obama has to know his limitations.

But Mr.Obama likes to sell musical thieves, from foreign countries, like the seditous U2 and David Broza. And so, as Chinese gain information, Obama will fail, since China AND bin Laden already know, Bertinelli has a big butt, and Time-Warner-ATCO duped AC-ZZ from my guitar playing, and now overproduces generic music, as final affront to my playing and to the commerce clauses, in the way of CIA appointment of Shah in 1953, Saddam in 1958, and to chase bin Laden off assassination of Saddam has incited the 9/11 attacks, suppressed, illegally.

18 U.S.C. 2384 seditious conspiracy is evident in Congress, the elephant-riding courts, and in any accountancy, fronting for the fraud, which suppresses all notice of inflation from deregulated energy deals and then lets Canadians and Mexicans hold energy contracts, and the PRC funds the inflation, without notice.

The US may not riot, incite, and allow mayhem at the riot to take a review-evading, riot-inciting President, which has become a perverse hazard, to continuance, and so he may be expected to suppress notice of malfeasance, by further incitement to mahem and murder, at his false issuance, at any contaminated moment!

Congress must impeach, or the PRC is a grounded intervenor, with GAEBLER.

Respond or be sued, to chill your mayhem, and to disband your contaminated gatherings, by noticed ROUT and RIOT, or by noticed mayhem, connected to fraud.

The US and President Obama may not access victims and Gaebler, by China, native Americans denied discovery, and by illegal continuances, by contemnors, and deny right of access to un-contaminated courts, to Abrahamic rioters or citizens, of any nation, incited to riot, by Americans which churn, to undermine all courts in session and all State Bar Associations, in every state, which abet fraud.

Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong, USDC Oakland, in re C07 01399 SBA is grounded to receive California, the several states, and USA, for notice, and to adjudicate Chinese or any other foreign interest, claims ROBERT GAEBLER and a class, for discovery, OR TITLE II ADA MUST HEAR, AND ALL CONTEMPT MUST PURGE, FOR REHABILITATION OF SEDITIOUS PERSONS, CONTINUED.

Try in State Bar Court and in State Supreme Court, all illegal attorneys and continuances, at this time, or PRC intervention is grounded, in re GAEBLER.

February 12, 2010

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